똥파리 이환

영화|2020. 2. 5. 19:01

똥파리 이환



동료든 적이든 가리지 않고 욕하고 때리며 자기 내키는 대로 살아 온 용역 깡패 상훈. 세상 무서울 것 없는 상훈이지만, 그에게도 마음 속에 쉽게 떨쳐내지 못할 깊은 상처가 있다. 바로 ‘가족’이라는 이름이 남긴 슬픔이다. 그러던 어느날, 우연히 길에서 여고생 연희와 시비가 붙은 상훈.







(출처 : 똥파리)







Cattle rustlers force some gunplay at Southfork,

and various attempts are made on J.R.'s life.

The movie does deliver on all usual fun stuff that "Dallas"

fans look for (J.R.'s connivin' and dealin' and all that),

though it's a bit painful to see our beloved stars aging..





I mean Harmony wasn't going to put up the

cash for the series to get publicised.

Despite the few picky faults people have had with this

film, The eighties feel of it keeps me in love.





There was barely a minute in the Circus I wasn't smiling

and/or laughing like a silly little kid, and that's the key for

how successful the picture is and, hopefully, in its appeal.





Cooper turning it into a minor mantra, like Lincoln's

version of the Monroe Doctrine, is ridiculous...typical of

the way DeMille's scripts have really bad

errors of common sense in them.

However, this is not a ruinous mistake.




Unlucky in fact characterizes the fates of most of the Yelnats

men and has been since exploits of Stanley IV's `no


' Those particular exploits cursed the

family's men to many an ill-fated turn.





My father lived there in the early 60's and still waxes

poetic about the landscape and wonderful people he met there.

The negativity that a few have expressed about Hidalgo

puzzles me and smacks of ulterior motives.




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반창꼬 진서연 줄거리 다시보기 결말 한효주 고수  (0) 2018.10.14
